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Bronx Car Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident in the Bronx, you may be entitled to significant compensation for your pain, suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Our highly experienced Bronx car accident lawyers at Lever & Ecker have been handling car accident cases in the Bronx since 1994.

Bronx Car Accident Lawyer
Danial G. Ecker
Content Legally Reviewed by:
Founding Partner

Call (718) 933-3632 or reach out online to schedule a free consultation today. Para servir mejor a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad, ofrecemos servicios en español.

Key Takeaways

  • We’ve been handling car accident cases in the Bronx for decades. With over 70 years of combined experience since 1994, we bring a deep understanding of the legal landscape and a proven track record of securing favorable outcomes for our clients.
  • Our firm has successfully secured multimillion-dollar settlements for our clients, including cases involving severe injuries and wrongful death. This demonstrates our capability to deliver substantial results and effectively fight for the compensation you deserve.
  • When you work with us, you can count on comprehensive legal support. We handle everything from investigating your accident to negotiating with insurance companies and preparing your case for trial if necessary. Our goal is to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

The Local Law Firm You Can Trust With Your Bronx Car Accident Case

We take personal injury cases . . . very personally.® Our approach is simple: We listen to you, guide you, and help you with what needs to be done right away. We will keep you informed about your case and provide the same level of care we would for our own families. We handle a limited number of cases at a time so we can give each client the full and undivided attention they deserve.

We have over 70 years of combined experience advocating for injured accident victims. We represent individuals and never corporations. We are also aware of how road conditions and poor infrastructure throughout the Bronx contribute to accidents. Regardless of where your Bronx car accident occurred, we will determine whether, in addition to any at-fault drivers, government agencies responsible for road maintenance are liable for failing to keep roads safe.

Our Successful Case Results Change Lives

Our Bronx car accident lawyers provide thoughtful, compassionate representation, with the resources, skills, and determination needed to deliver the same life-changing results as a larger operation. We have secured hundreds of millions in successful case results, including: 

David B. Lever

David B. Lever

Founding Partner

We place the highest priority on representing Bronx residents who have had everything they have worked so hard for in their lives changed forever in an instant, due to another person’s careless driving. While we can’t restore our clients to good health, we can help them secure a sense of dignity by obtaining for them substantial case settlements that serve to compensate them for the life-changing injuries they have suffered.

Client Testimonial

How Our Dedicated Bronx Attorneys Will Handle Your Car Accident Case

When you entrust us with your claim, you can count on our skilled Bronx car accident lawyers to navigate the law and aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve. Key steps in a car accident lawsuit include the following:

  • Accident investigation – We will thoroughly investigate the causes of your accident to identify the liable parties. We may also enlist the help of accident reconstruction specialists and other experts to aid in the investigation.
  • Medical review – We will review your medical records and consult with life care planners and other medical experts to calculate the lifetime impact of your injuries.
  • Insurance claim – We will file claims under all applicable insurance policies, including your no-fault personal injury protection policy and the at-fault driver’s auto liability policy. We will also handle all communications with insurers.
  • Settlement negotiation – We will negotiate strategically and aggressively for a meaningful settlement and refuse to accept less than you deserve.
  • Trial – If a fair settlement cannot be secured through negotiation, we will meticulously prepare your case for trial and use our honed advocacy skills to represent you in court.

At Lever & Ecker, we prioritize consistent and transparent communication. You can count on us to keep you informed about the progress in your case until the day it is resolved. We will never leave you waiting to hear back from us.

You May Be Entitled to Significant Financial Compensation

Compensation in car accident cases normally includes economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages cover your quantifiable losses, such as past and future lost wages, medical expenses, and property damage. Non-economic damages cover the more intangible impact of your injuries, such as pain, suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

New York is a no-fault state for car accidents, meaning if you were injured in a car accident in the Bronx, you must first initially submit a claim through your no-fault auto insurance carrier. This claim covers basic economic losses like medical expenses and lost wages, regardless of who caused the accident. If your injuries are serious as defined under New York law, you can also pursue a claim against the at-fault driver for compensation for your pain and suffering and other damages not covered through no-fault. In New York, “serious injuries” include those that result in:

  • Death
  • Dismemberment
  • Significant disfigurement
  • Fracture
  • Loss of a fetus
  • Permanent loss of use of a body organ, member, function, or system
  • Permanent consequential limitation of a body organ or member
  • Significant limitation of use of a body function or system
  • Non-permanent injuries that prevent you from performing your usual activities for at least 90 days during the 180 days following the accident

You can also pursue compensation from other at-fault parties, such as manufacturers of defective vehicle parts, government entities for defective roadway conditions, and car owners who permitted at-fault drivers to use their vehicles. Our Bronx car accident lawyers will explore all sources of liability in your case.

Compensation for the Death of a Loved One

If you lost a loved one in a Bronx car accident, our attorneys can pursue wrongful death damages. No-fault insurance pays a $2,000 death benefit and up to $50,000 in economic losses, such as medical care needed to treat your loved one’s fatal injuries. We can also file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible driver and other liable parties. Non-economic damages in a wrongful death lawsuit include your loved one’s conscious pain and suffering prior to death.

You Could Miss Your Chance to File a Car Accident Claim If You Wait Too Long

The personal injury statute of limitations in New York normally gives three years from the date of the injury to file a car accident claim, but some cases have shorter deadlines. For example, wrongful death claims must be filed within two years from the date of death.

Further, if your accident was caused by dangerous road conditions in the Bronx and you wish to pursue a claim against the responsible government entities, you must file a Notice of Claim within 90 days of the accident. You must also file your lawsuit in court no later than one year and 90 days after the accident.

If you miss the correct filing deadlines for your case, it will be dismissed in court, thereby destroying your right to legal compensation. Therefore, do not wait to take action. Our Bronx car accident attorneys are a phone call away.

Dangerous Driving Conditions in Bronx County

New York City was the first city in the nation to implement a Vision Zero program, and others across the United States quickly implemented similar plans. The goal is to eliminate traffic injuries and deaths by identifying underlying causes and implementing changes to make streets safer.

Since the launch of Vision Zero in 2014, traffic fatalities have decreased by four percent in wealthy areas of New York but increased in underrepresented neighborhoods. The new congestion pricing proposed for lower Manhattan is a prime example. Cars and trucks will pay hefty fees for driving below 60th Street, which is expected to bring more traffic into the Bronx as drivers choose alternative routes to avoid the costs.

Over 5,000 Accidents in the Bronx in 2023

In 2023 alone, 5,545 traffic collisions occurred in the Bronx, injuring 7,925 people and killing 41. The most common cause was distracted driving. Other common causes include drunk driving, aggressive driving/road rage, failing to yield, speeding, following too closely, and disobeying traffic signals.

The Bronx Times reports that East 138th Street is the most dangerous roadway in the entire city. The worst intersections on 138th Street are at Bruckner Boulevard and Willis Avenue. Other dangerous roads in the Bronx include:

  • The Cross Bronx Expressway, especially near the Macombs Road Overpass
  • The Bruckner Expressway, especially near 141st Street
  • The Bronx River Parkway, especially the on-ramp from the Cross Bronx Expressway
  • Jerome Avenue and Clifford Place
  • East Gun Hill Road

Road Conditions in the Bronx

Many Bronx roads are too narrow for current traffic volumes. Potholes are widespread, and many roads throughout the borough are crumbling. Some of the worst roads are in Parkchester and the northwest Bronx, as well as the Cross-Bronx Expressway.

The Department of Transportation analyzed road conditions in the Bronx at the end of 2015. In Parkchester, only 30 percent of the roads were in good repair, and many others also scored poorly.

Mount Hope59%
Kingsbridge Heights58.74%
University Heights-Morris Heights55.1%
Spuyten Duyvil-Kingsbridge49.54%

Potholes and other defects can force drivers to swerve dangerously or risk tire blowouts. This infrastructure problem adds to the accident risk in environments already plagued by heavy traffic and distracted driving.

Infrastructure Inequality

New York City is renowned for its extensive public transportation, but public transit options in the Bronx are severely limited compared to the other boroughs. You can hop on a train practically anywhere in Manhattan. But you cannot take a train across the Bronx or connect to other boroughs without passing through Manhattan. If you need to commute, your options are limited, increasing the number of drivers on the road and adding to congestion.

There are also disparities in bicycle infrastructure. According to the Bronx Times, “only six percent of the city’s protected bike lanes are in the Bronx—even though every borough has approximately the same rate of bike ridership.”

On Park Avenue, the city installed barriers to block cars from entering bicycle lanes, but they left the space too wide. Cars are regularly parked illegally in the bike lanes, forcing bicyclists back onto the road. A Streetsblog study found that police ticket less than two percent of drivers who illegally park in bicycle lanes, limiting safe areas for bicyclists to ride in the Bronx.

Street Improvements in the Bronx Get Low Priority from the City

Even when city officials acknowledge the need for change in the Bronx, they are slow to act. For example, West Farms has desperately needed roadway improvements for decades. From August 2011 through March 2023, 227 people were injured in accidents at the intersection of East 177th Street, East Tremont Avenue, and Devoe Avenue. This area has a nearby school and multiple businesses, leaving children and pedestrians vulnerable to accidents.

The Department of Transportation and the Department of Design Construction introduced a safety improvement plan back in 2008. Astonishingly, work is expected to commence in late 2024 and will not be finished until 2027.

Adam Weiss

Adam C. Weiss


Given unsafe driving conditions on many roadways in the Bronx, and given the enormous amount of traffic in, around and through the borough, it’s an unfortunate reality that endures far too many tragic car accidents, cutting short or forever altering too many lives filled with great promise.

The Deadly Reckless Driving Trends in the Bronx

Street racing and reckless driving are commonplace in certain areas of the Bronx, and the results are often tragic. For example, on New Year’s Day in 2024, a 23-year-old driver killed two passengers and critically injured a third when he slammed into a parked fuel truck while performing high-speed stunts at Hunts Point.

Street racing and other forms of reckless driving are longstanding problems in the Bronx. Young male drivers are the most common perpetrators. Sadly, according to data from 2012, males have a higher rate of hospitalization due to traffic collisions. Young drivers aged 20 to 24 have the highest injury rates.

Call an Experienced Bronx Car Accident Lawyer at Lever & Ecker, PLLC

When you are injured in a car accident, it can be difficult to secure compensation from at-fault parties and insurance companies eager to deny your claim. Our award-winning Bronx car accident lawyers will level the playing field and aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve.

Call us today at (718) 933-3632 or contact us online to schedule a free case review. Para servir mejor a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad, ofrecemos servicios en español.

Bronx Office

PHONE (718) 933-3632

1870 Grand Concourse, Suite 2
Bronx, NY 10457

Appointment Only


dan ecker, david lever, and adam weiss

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